LafargeHolcim joins the MIT Climate and Sustainability Consortium (MCSC) as a founding member, representing the building materials industry, to accelerate climate action through innovation.

The company joins a range of influential other sector leaders to work with MIT’s world-class research teams to develop scalable solutions to tackle climate change.

Jan Jenisch, Chief Executive Officer: “I am committed to building a net-zero future, driving innovative and sustainable building solutions that work for people and the planet. ”

“With the urgency of today’s climate crisis, no single organization can tackle it alone. That’s why I am proud to be joining MIT’s alliance of like-minded industry leaders and academic partners to scale up our climate action together,” he added.

The MCSC is led by the MIT School of Engineering and will engage students, faculty, and researchers from across the entire Institute. MCSC members will work to accelerate large-scale, real-world solutions that address the threat of climate change.

The goals of the MCSC include climate change mitigation, lowering barriers to technology adoption, speeding the retirement of carbon-intensive activities, directing investment
where it will be most effective, and rapidly translating best practices across industries.

Joining this consortium is another step on LafargeHolcim’s commitment to build a net-zero future as a global leader in innovative and sustainable building materials and solutions.

Taking a rigorous science-driven approach to climate action, LafargeHolcim pledged to become a net-zero company, partnering with the Science-Based Targets initiative (SBTi) and is setting the first net-zero road map in the cement industry, building on its 2030 SBTi-validated climate targets.

The work of the consortium will involve a true cross-sector collaboration to meet the urgency of climate change.

The MCSC will take positive action and foster the necessary collaboration to meet this challenge, with the intention of influencing efforts across industries.

here are no bounds to what we can achieve together,” says Anantha P. Chandrakasan, dean of the School of Engineering, Vannevar Bush Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, and chair of the MIT Climate and Sustainability Consortium.

Check here to learn more about the MIT Climate and Sustainability Consortium.


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