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Reducing Our Carbon Footprint by up to 10% Today

with portland-limestone cement, the Low CO2 Cement

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Northwest Cement Council

Concrete is the foundation of our economy

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Helping You Develop Sustainable Communities

Concrete allows our cities and towns to meet the housing challenge

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Paving Our Future

Concrete pavements cool our cities and make transportation more energy efficient

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The Northwest Cement Council (NCC) represents cement companies operating in Oregon and Washington.

Find out more about how we can help to support and serve you.

Available now in the Northwest!

Pacific Northwest Leading the Way with Type IL Cement

Reduce the carbon footprint of concrete by up to 10% by specifying portland-limestone cement (Type IL). Type IL cement is a low carbon alternative to ordinary portland cement, and is accepted by all 50 State DOT’s, as well as provinces in Canada. NCC is tracking our carbon savings impact in Oregon and Washington with the use of Type IL. And this is only the beginning — Pozzolan (Type IP) and ternary cements (Type IT) will be available soon. With Type IL and supplementary cementitious materials (SCM’s) in your concrete mix, the carbon footprint of your project can be dramatically reduced.


Total tons of CO2 Savings
That's equivalent to:
Gasoline vehicles driven per year i
Typical US home emissions per yeari

The Benefits of Concrete

Four Important Roles Cement Serves for Resiliency and Sustainability
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Build Back Better

Building Better and Resilient Buildings and Infrastructure in our communities to higher standards than are required by currently established building codes is critical to the future wellbeing of millions of

The Fundamentals of How Cement Is made

Cement is the basic ingredient of concrete. Concrete is formed when portland cement creates a paste with water that binds with sand and rock to harden.
Carbon Neutral Concrete

Carbon Neutral Concrete

Concrete. It is the world’s most widely-used building material. It is estimated that the cement and concrete sectors account for roughly 5 to 7% of global carbon emissions.
Concrete Build Environment

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The term ‘built environment’ is widely used but often is interpreted to represent structures such as homes and buildings. The ‘built environment’ includes all aspects of our everyday surroundings that

Concrete Shaping Our World

Modern society has been built using cement and concrete.

These materials are used throughout our daily lives to shape the world around us. Our roadways, homes, schools, communities and cities have all been shaped by cement and concrete. In fact, the only other material consumed more than concrete is water. So foundational are these materials to our daily lives, it is important for cement and concrete to shape our future as well. From mitigating the effects of climate change to providing long-lasting, durable infrastructure, to contributing to a robust economy, cement and concrete play a key role in creating a more sustainable and resilient world.
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Concrete Shaping Our World

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Together we promote, protect and advocate the use of cement and concrete solutions in resilient, economical and environmentally responsible construction in the Pacific Northwest.

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