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About Northwest Cement Council

The Northwest Cement Council (NCC) represents cement companies operating in Oregon and Washington.

The Northwest Cement Council (NCC) represents the four largest cement companies operating cement grinding and manufacturing facilities in Oregon and Washington. Our members include CalPortland, Ash Grove Cement, Heidelberg Materials, and LafargeHolcim United States.

Together we promote, protect and advocate the use of cement and concrete solutions in resilient, economical and environmentally responsible construction in the Pacific Northwest.

The Northwest Cement Council is based in Portland, Oregon. Find out more about how we can help to support and serve you.

Sustainable Infrastructure with Cement

Cement sustainably supports our built environment from the streets we drive on to the buildings families call home. Cement stabilizes soil in place, reducing hauling and virgin material mining impacts. When used to build concrete highways and streets, fuel consumption and greenhouse gas emissions are reduced. And reinforced concrete homes and buildings use less energy, are resilient in the face of storm events and fires, while mitigating noise.

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